VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM)

The VCE Vocational Major (VM) is a vocational and applied learning program within the VCE designed to be completed over a minimum of two years. The VCE VM will give students greater choice and flexibility to pursue their strengths and interests and develop the skills and capabilities needed to succeed in further education, work and life.

It prepares students to move into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university (via non-ATAR pathways) or directly into the workforce.
The purpose of the VCE VM is to provide students with the best opportunity to achieve their personal goals and aspirations in a rapidly changing world by:

  • equipping them with the skills, knowledge, values and capabilities to be active and informed citizens, lifelong learners and confident and creative individuals
  • empowering them to make informed decisions about the next stages of their lives through real-life workplace experiences

Welcome to Year 11 and Year 12

The commencement of VCE studies is an exciting period in the lives of our young people. It provides opportunities to grapple with important ideas about the world and our place in it and invites students to explore concepts in increasingly sophisticated ways.

In addition to the construction of new understandings, those undertaking this course of study start the process of shaping a more defined career pathway. Subject selection for VCE is the vital first step in ensuring our young people have access to their preferred pathway; and for this reason, students require the support of the college and their families and carers.

Subject selection is an exciting time of year as it requires our students to make some important decisions about what they would like their future working-lives to look like. In our experience, the students at this college have approached this critical challenge with maturity, initiative and an outstanding capacity to actively carve out a strategic Pathway.

By this point in the year, students have been involved in Careers Fast Track. This program has encouraged them to identify their own strengths, values and passions and map them to a range of careers. They’ve explored options for post-secondary study and training that aligns with those aspirations and been given advice around the VCE subjects that provide access to those tertiary courses. As a further support, students have also had an individual interview with a Fast Track counsellor. That has allowed them to formalise career goals and clarify their pathways planning.

With this groundwork established, students are now responsible for carefully reading this document and making their VCE subject selections. It is important to ensure that these choices are informed by thoughtful consideration, careful research and pathways advice.

We would encourage students and the college community to view this handbook not as a stand-alone resource, but rather, as one in a larger suite of resources. VSC will host our annual Subject Information Expo held during Term 3. Students will attend during the day and we encourage families to also. Additionally Subject specific videos, created by our teaching staff will be made available on the college website that will provide some insight into the content and assessment demands of the subjects offered at the college. It is our hope that this will supplement the broader brush-strokes provided in this document and further assist students in determining whether particular subjects are a ‘good fit’ for them.

Subject selection is undoubtedly an important facet of building a career that is meaningful. But success in school and beyond requires more than doing ‘the right’ subjects. Resilience, tenacity, integrity, and discipline are also crucial, and it’s fundamental that students understand, and families reinforce that it is the consistent practice of these traits and behaviours that will have significant power to shape their futures.

We wish all of our students the best as they take this first step towards the commencement of VCE.

Vermont Secondary College Science Class

VCE Student Handbook

Read our handbook for our Year 11 & Year 12 VCE curriculum. This will give you all the information you need about subjects based on the Victorian Certificate of Education Curriculum.

Year 11 & 12 Subject Video Presentations

Learn more about the subjects offered at Vermont Secondary College with our subject video presentations, providing a snapshot for each unique subject available to Year 11 and Year 12 students.

Careers & Pathways

In Year 11, you’ll be asked to decide on which studies to continue into Year 12 and which, if any, you will decide to discontinue. To make good decisions, you will need to research tertiary courses. In particular, you need to know the entrance requirements, including prerequisite studies, that are required for courses you might consider.

Year 11 VTAC Guide

It takes time to research and decide on the tertiary courses you will apply for, which is why we encourage you to start early. In Year 11, we recommend at least visiting a couple of open days and becoming familiar with the content of several tertiary courses. If you’re a current Year 11 student, the Year 11 VTAC Guide is designed to help you research tertiary courses and help you with this journey.

VTAC Fact Sheets & Resources

Learn more about VTAC, the team responsible for processing applications for tertiary courses across Victorian institutions. This content provides the latest fact sheets, guides and resources from VTAC.

Year 12 VTAC Guide

While you are in Year 12 you will need to start planning for life after school. If you want to go on to tertiary education, you also need to research and apply for courses. The VTAC Year 12 Guide is designed to lead you through the process of researching tertiary education and applying for courses, special consideration (SEAS) and scholarships.


VET Subjects in Year 11 and Year 12

VET combines senior school studies and accredited vocational education and training. It enables students to complete a nationally recognised vocational qualification and a senior school certificate (VCE/VM) at the same time. This allows a student to go directly into employment or receive credit towards further vocational training through TAFE, developing students’ employability and industry-specific skills.

VET is a vocationally oriented school program designed to meet the needs of industry. A VET program is usually made up of Units of Competency and Structured Workplace Learning.